
Loving Kindness Meditation: Mindful May Series Week 4 (11 mins)


This  self-compassion meditation accompanies week 4 of Mindarma's Mindful May  series (deepening your practise with Self-Compassion) with Dr Sadhbh Joyce. This recording is taken directly from session 4 in the series.

Loving Kindness Meditation (LKLM)  helps us to attend and befriend our minds,  bodies and our experiences with mindfulness and self-compassion. We learn how to offer ourselves warmth, care, kindness and support. We offer ourselves genuine warmth and care by holding a loving kindness intention for ourselves and others. We explore widening our circle of compassion to include family, friends and people in our community.

Loving Kindness phrases explored in this practise include:
"May I be peaceful, May I be safe, May I be kind, May I be patient with myself and others, May I  recognise and trust the goodness in my self and others".

May they be peaceful, May they be safe, May they be kind, May they be patient with themselves and others, May they recognise and trust the goodness in themselves and others".